Business Plan Competitions

5ME2045: LPDP Business Competition

5ME2045 LPDP The Business Competition has been officially opened for all LPDP Alumni/Awardees; Students / general and high school / vocational / MA / equivalent students 

Categories of Business Competition that can be followed are:

Business Initiation Plan (BIP)

Intended for prospective entrepreneurs who are just starting a business and have an idea/business plan. It is also open to entrepreneurs whose business has only been running for a maximum of 2 years.

Business Growth Plan (BGP)

Intended for Entrepreneurs whose business has been running for 2-5 years.

Business Theme

  1. Environment
  2. Health
  3. Technology
  4. Education
  5. Biotechnology
  6. Culture and Tourism
  7. Creative Industry
  8. Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries

Register your team and upload your best business proposal to the following link:

Priode Pendaftaran : 2 – 31 Mei 2023

All LPDP Business Competition activities are free of charge!

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