GITA Growth Hub

The GITA Network in Indonesia currently consists of seven local Growth Hubs across Java. Visit the Growth Hub nearest to you or to find out more about entrepreneurial activity in different locations

President University: SetSailBizAccel

To support entrepreneurship activity in President University, Setsail BizAccel equipped with sophisticated infrastructure for working through high performance PC, Photography Studio, and 3D modeling device. In addition to that, it has the capacity to become a co-working space for 30 people and also capable of conducting workshops for up to 50 people.

Tel: +62 021 8910 9763 Ext. 112-115
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Universitas Padjadjaran: Risfarklin

Center of Excellence in Higher Education for Pharmaceutical Care Innovation aims to become a research center for rational drug use which is assessed in terms of effectiveness and safety as the fundamental aspects of comprehensive pharmaceutical services.

Tel: +62 812 1445 1155
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Universitas Ahmad Dahlan: KUBI

Office of Business and investment Affairs (KUBI) / Growth Hub of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan is an office that has a program of fostering and growing business ideas which were inaugurated on November 27, 2018, by the Chancellor of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. KUBI UAD is a concrete manifestation of the implementation of the Erasmus + GITA (Growing Indonesia: a Triangular Approach) grant given to UAD. This program is part of UAD commitment to partner with universities in Indonesia and Europe to realize the synergy of entrepreneurial development in the spirit of “Towards Entrepreneurial Universities”.

Tel: +62 0274 563515 ext 2103,
Fax: +62 0274 564604
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Universitas Islam Indonesia: Simpul Tumbuh

Direktorat Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Kewirausahaan/Simpul Tumbuh merancang ruang tumbuh bersama (co-growing space) yang dapat menghubungkan talenta dan ide bisnis untuk dapat berkembang bersama. Simpul Tumbuh UII juga mengembangkan pembelajaran dan praktik kewirausahaan bagi mahasiswa melalui IBISMA (Inkubator Bisnis & Inovasi Bersama). Selain itu, Simpul Tumbuh UII berperan sebagai penghubung antara sumber daya manusia, sarana prasarana, serta produk intelektual lainnya yang dimiliki UII dan sumber daya IPTEKS yang dimiliki oleh kalangan Industri (swasta, pemerintah, komunitas, dan alumni).

Tel: +62 274 898444 Ext 1317
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Universitas Negeri Semarang: Growth Hub

UNNES Growth Hub is one of the first of a growing network of Growth Hubs across Indonesia aimed at embedding entrepreneurship education into University curricula and providing support services to local entrepreneurs and start-up businesses. These hubs are physical spaces with an incubation facility for cultivating innovation and exploiting new ideas applied to the local and regional economies.

Tel: +62 812-2690-035 (Mr. Andryan Setyadarma), +62 812-2864-695 (Mr. Dorojatun Prihandono)
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Universitas Brawijaya: BIIW

Badan Inkubator Wirausaha – Universitas Brawijaya is one of the first of a growing network of Growth Hubs across Indonesia aimed at embedding entrepreneurship education into University curricula and providing support services to local entrepreneurs and start-up businesses. These hubs are physical spaces with an incubation facility for cultivating innovation and exploiting new ideas applied to the local and regional economies.

Tel: +62 0821 2347 2336
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STIE Malangkucecwara: ABMHub

ABM Hub is a resource created by ABM which functioned as a business incubator. One of the functions is to give a consultation referring to detailed business problems, mainly to the Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). If needed, ABM Hub can also give capital access facility. ABM Hub has been made to become a comfortable place to do a discussion, do a meeting, do a consultation, and also to improve a business. Several PC, laptops, tablets, and high-speed internet are already prepared. Therefore, SMEs are expected to use the facilities already provided in ABM Hub.

Tel: +62 812 4967 266 , +62 341 491813
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