Startup Advice

Best Practices Guide to Survive in Pandemic Era: ERIGO


Erigo is a fashion brand that is quite famous because it is synonymous with teenagers. The majority of buyers are teenagers who like clothes or other clothes such as sweater pants and t-shirts that are tailored to the current fashion so that the positioning of products that are close to or identical to
teenagers is very suitable for products produced by Erigo. Products that are very familiar to teenagers because the design colours and results match the teenager’s character, namely cheerful and elegant and stylish. Business activities carried out by Erigo can generate business enthusiasm so that they can fulfil consumers desires, especially teenagers. These business activities are performed, hence businesses can survive to compete in the business world, especially fashion is heavy. When a company does not match market tastes, the buyer can abandon it. To conform with market demand requires a unique strategy so that a business can meet consumer tastes.


The current fashion business is adjusted to its segmentation when a fashion seeks to meet the adolescent market’s tastes, so it can be adjusted to the resulting product. One of the aspects that Erigo does is to make products that are in accordance with the characteristics of adolescents when adolescents get many choices can increase self-existence, therefore teenager eager to wear it. Based on Erigo’s products, the pants and sweaters that are marketed are very identical to teenagers to have a clear segmentation. When a business has a clear segmentation and has a positioning to sell its products to consumers, this can help determine a strategy to increase closeness between brand products and consumers. When a producer feels close to its consumers, this closeness forms more effective marketing efforts. The proximity can be built through a network of communications between producers and consumers.


As described in the previous section that building closeness between producers and consumers is an important concept to be able to build a strong relationship between Brand Erigo and its consumers, one of the efforts to build this closeness is done through the online network, the network can be built on various platforms such as Instagram as well as communications conducted at online malls such as Shopee and Tokopedia. The hope that arises is that when consumers shop through the online Mall, the taste obtained is that consumers shop directly, meaning that through strengthening online marketing strategies, it can bring virtual stores that are present at consumers’ homes so that consumers do not need to look far for Erigo stores. online can reduce the costs that are required when requiring a physical store to be built, this aspect can strengthen the existence of a business and increase the survivability of a business when a pandemic is emerging.

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