Business Plan Competitions

Tips for Winners of Business Plan Competition


Please read your feedback on your business plan carefully. Often the view from outside is very helpful. Sometime the criticism can sound harsh and be very hard for you to hear. But think about the feedback! It can make the difference of being successful with a start-up or not…

Stay in touch

Stay in touch with your Incubator or your Growth Hub. You will need support! Go on a search for contacts which might be helpful. You can’t do it alone. You will need a community around. Use a start-up programme as a support in the first months of your start-up. Attend events and workshops in your Growth Hub, which will help you to focus on necessary topics.

Make a survey

Go out and do a survey! You should obtain feedback on your product/service from your target group. Please test only your core product or your core service. Ask your customer about satisfaction, function, price, added value, benefit, optimization, purchase and recommendation intentions. Think about further helpful questions!

Don’t do it alone

It is possible to start a business on your own. But be realistic! You cannot do everything on your own, unless you are a generalist. Maybe it is better if you get a companion on board. The regular exchange is enormously important. Mutual motivation and joint innovation are helpful for building up a successful company. If you do not have a companion, think about partners, who can help with marketing, finance, sales or so on…

Quickly go to market

Go out with your product or your service! You should start with your core product or your core service to your core target group. What is your core idea and benefit to the ‘world’? Do not start with a whole product range. If you start small but well thought out, it will be easier to optimize fast and well considered.

If you invest too much money and time in a whole product range, you will lose sight of the essentials. Concentrate on the essentials and go out to market very fast! Test your product in real life.

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