Business Support

Safety and Health at Work

Every company must ensure that all employees are protected from work accidents and their health is maintained while they are working, for that health and work safety is important for the company. Safety And Health at Work (SH@W)  is a field related to the health, safety and welfare of people working in an institution or project site. Based on Law No.1 of 1970, Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) (SH@W) must be applied to all workplaces. According to the Minister of Manpower Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5 of 2018 concerning Safety And Health at Work in the Work Environment, Safety And Health at Work are all activities to ensure and protect the safety and health of workers through efforts to prevent work accidents and occupational diseases.

Based on Law No.1 of 1970, the objectives of implementing (SH@W) namely:

  1. Protect and ensure the safety of workers and other people in the workplace
  2. Ensure that every source of production needs to be used and used safely and efficiently
  3. Prevent and reduce work accidents
  4. Prevent and control the physical conditions of the work environment (such as temperature, humidity, air, lighting, sound, vibration, etc.)
  5. Prevent and control the incidence, both physical and psychological, poisoning, infection, and transmission
  6. Ensuring harmony situation between workers, work tools, environment, work methods and processes
  7. Adjusting and perfecting security in jobs where the danger of accidents is increasing.

SH@W  also protects co-workers, workers’ families, consumers, and other people who may also be affected by working environmental conditions. SH@W  is not only important to be applied in workplaces that have high risk factors such as mining, construction and others but also must be applied in all industrial sectors even in household environments. SH@W activities are important for employees in order to feel safe and comfortable at work so that it will affect employee productivity which in turn will improve company performance.

SH@W  is an effort aimed at protecting everyone in the workplace to live a healthy life and be free from health problems and adverse effects resulting from work. SH@W  must be managed properly, so every company needs to have an SH@W  Management System. According to the Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 50 of 2012 concerning the Implementation of SH@W  Management Systems, the SH@W  Management System is part of the company’s overall management system in order to control risks related to work activities in order to create a safe workplace, efficient and productive.

The implementation of SH@W  Management System aims to:

  1. improve the effectiveness of planned, measurable, structured, and integrated occupational safety and health protection;
  2. prevent and reduce work accidents and occupational diseases by involving elements of management, workers/ laborers, and/or trade unions/ labor unions; and
  3. create a safe, comfortable and efficient workplace to boost productivity

SH@W  Management System includes:

  1. determination of SH@W  policy. Companies need to formulate policies:
    1. conduct an initial review of the SH@W  condition which includes: identification of potential hazards, assessment and risk control; better comparison of the implementation of SH@W  with other companies and sectors;
    2. pay attention to the continuous improvement of SH@W  management performance;
    3. pay attention of workers/ laborers and/or trade unions/ labor unions suggestions
  2. SH@W planning; identification of potential hazards, assessment, and risk control; laws and regulations   and other requirements, and resources
  3. implementation of the SH@W  plan; competence of workers; Supporting infrastructure and facilities
  4. SH@W  performance monitoring and evaluation; through inspection, testing, measurement, and internal audit of SH@W  management carried out by competent human resources
  5. review and improvement of SH@W  management performance. Reviews are carried out on policies, planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation.

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