Joseph’s Orchid is an orchid farm and distributor company. Joseph’s Orchid right now are focusing on growing and selling phalaenopsis orchids, dendrobium, cattleya, vanda, and maxillaria. Palembang has a hot and dry climate which makes growing orchids very difficult and has a big chance of failure. Joseph’s Orchid realize this problem and aim to solve this problem by creating a greenhouse with some technologies to make cooler temperatures and humid condition which are more suitable for orchids.
Joseph’s Orchid green house and selling center located in Musi Palem Indah Residence No. E11 in Palembang and the other selling store located in Jalan Mp. Mangkunegara Palembang. The building is owned by the founder family and the investor. Joseph’s Orchid has many equipment needed for the orchid growing activities which are nozzle, fan humidifier, and many other equipment. Those equipment have been prepared and used since Joseph’s Orchid was launched. The personnel of Joseph’s Orchid are founder, marketing, and operation.

Judeandra Tondas is a President University student majoring in Business Administration and cooperate with other founders to create Joseph’s Orchid. He is passionate in doing business and has some experiences in food & beverages and online business using digital marketing.
Joseph’s Orchid has some key partners, which are the suppliers, re-seller, and some companies (hotels, banks, salons, etc). Suppliers is a very important partners for Joseph’s Orchid since Joseph’s Orchid. Re-seller also become an important partner right now for Joseph’s Orchid. Joseph’s Orchid now cooperate with some re-seller which allow them to take the product first and pay the price after they sell the orchids. Companies are also a keypartners for Joseph’s Orchid in order to promote the company. Joseph’s Orchid is cooperating with several company by giving free or discount for their rent of orchids on their store or building with an agreement that we are allowed to put our brand in the orchids.

Joseph’s Orchid has some value proposition which are good orchids quality, cheap price, big supplies and variation, easier information (Instagram, Facebook, and Whatsapp), online services (asking information, online purchase, and delivery using Gosend or Goshop), and free consultations about the products.
Joseph’s Orchid is able to grow a good quality orchids even if the climate and temperatures are not suitable for orchids because of the green house, technologies, and knowledge about orchids. This become a value that we offer to customers as not many other competitors are able to offer the same value since to create a green house and buying the required technologies needs high cost and to learn the knowledge about orchids required many experiences.
Cheap price is also one of the value offered by Joseph’s Orchid since we buy the orchid directly from an orchids farm and buy in a big quantity which give us chance to sell in cheap price. Joseph’s Orchid also offer big supplies and variation to customers since we buy the orchids in big quantity, so Joseph’s Orchid can offer a lot of choices for customers. Each orchids has their own characteristics and uniqueness, and right now in Indonesia there are many hybrids phalaenopsis orchids which each has different patterns. Joseph’s Orchid is able to give a lot of choices for this hybrids phalaenopsis which is interesting for customers.
Customers can received information about Joseph’s Orchid starting from the products, location, price, quantity, and others easily by using Instagram, Facebook, and Whatsapp. Joseph’s Orchid always give update about the available products and update everytime there are new products which makes customers can received information easily. Joseph’s Orchid also give online services which makes customers can give questions to Joseph’s Orchid using Instagram, Facebook, and Whatsapp. Customers could also do online purchase by picking the products from the pictures, transfer the money or use the cash on delivery services using go shop, and the products will be delivered using go jek services.
Joseph’s Orchid also offer consultation services for customers free of charge. Many customers still does not have the knowledge to treat the orchids which makes them fail after buying the orchids (the orchids whither or does not produce flowers anymore). Joseph’s Orchid offer free consultation for the customers which can be done both online and offline. The customers can ask about their problems and Joseph’s Orchid will give suggestion to the customers.
Social media, partnership with companies, store, and website are the channel of Joseph’s Orchid. Social media that Joseph’s Orchid is focusing right now to reach the customers are Instagram and also develop Facebook. Joseph’s Orchid are also focusing on partnership with companies by giving free orchids rent in agreement to put the brand in the orchids in order to reach the market. Joseph’s Orchid is also opening a store visible from a main road which display the orchids.
In Palembang, one of Joseph’s Orchid founder has already start the orchids business years ago and cooperate with us to scale up the business, so the founder already know well about the market in Palembang. Most of the buyers are adult who loved orchids and companies such as hotel and banks.
Most of Joseph’s Orchid customers are heavy user and recurring personal occassions type like re-seller, orchid lovers, and company. There are also some light user and universal occasions customers type like during holiday or events. Re-seller is the focus on Joseph’s Orchid. They really help Joseph’s Orchid to sell the orchids in high quantity even though the price given is a bit lower. Orchid lovers are also a good target market for Joseph’s Orchid. They are willing to buy orchid with higher price and quantity. They also often sharing their experience of buying orchids to their friends and to social media which is a free advertisement for Joseph’s Orchid.
Joseph’s Orchid is focusing on orchids (phalaenopsis, dendrobium, cattleya, maxillaria, and vanda) as the main product. Joseph’s Orchid create a green house with suitable environment to make sure the orchids grow in good quality. Joseph’s Orchid also make sure that there are many variants of orchids in the green house to give more option for customers. Joseph’s Orchid is also selling another type of decorative plant such as bamboo, cactus, anthurium, etc.
There are many customers that would like to buy orchids but afraid that they cannot treat the orchids right because they do not have the knowledge and experience. Joseph’s Orchid view this as opportunity and create an offer which is a bundle of products consist of different types of orchid, tools, and supplies that are needed to treat the orchids as newbie. Joseph Orchid also create a community focusing on Whatsapp group at early stage that can be join by buying the orchid starter bundle. So they get cheaper price for more products while also gain benefits by joining the community. The community held a gathering everyconce in a while which have not determine how frequent. By creating this community, Joseph’s Orchid the interest of orchids in Palembang increased while also spreading the brand name of Joseph’s Orchid. Joseph’s Orchid also able to attract the member of community to come to the green house every gathering which increase the sales of Joseph’s Orchid. There are also a high chance that there are some of the member that already learn how to treat the orchids want to become a re-seller which can become a big opportunity for Joseph’s Orchid to offer them to become a re-seller of Joseph’s Orchid.