What is your business plan about? What is innovative about your business?
Buang disini is a digital waste bank platform that aim to collecting the waste from downstream. We specifically have a pickup service feature with a minimum of 2 kg waste, systemic pickup scheduling, trash for charity program, and the platform that is also possibly used for making payments for health insurance (BPJS), electricity, phone, and other bill payments. Buang disini presents as a solution to waste banks problems that still have weaknesses in terms of the system, that is mostly still conventional, with the help of technology integrated in one ecosystem. Buang disini also helps in a more practical, paperless, with secure digitalized system. In addition, Buang disini also applies cooperation with partners in processing plastic waste to get the better price of plastic waste. In general, Buang disini can help people in accessing waste banks easily, increasing participation and change the culture or mindset of waste sorting from households to help reducing the amount of waste based on Smart City concept.
Innovative or uniqueness: (1) minimum waste pickup service of only 2kg, (2) pickup schedule, (3) mobile waste payment, (4) trash for charity program, (5) high price offering for plastic waste, (6) digital, paperless, secure, and simple management administration.
What is your personal background and what was your motivation to participate in the business plan competition?
Tubagus Syailendra (CEO) is students of International Relations Departement, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (graduated in 2020). Tubagus is assisted by four team members from both Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya
Motivation: getting experience of international exposure related the business competition.
How did the Growth Hub help you with your business plan and/or your business?
We join the incubation program from Badan Inovasi dan Inkubator Wirausaha (BIIW), Universitas Brawijaya in 2019 through the Young Entrepreneur Brawijaya. Buang Disini is one of the tenants in-wall incubator for one year under BIIW UB. BIIW UB is assisting us in supervising us in several matters including the preparation of technology production and legal issues. BIIW also supported us with the funding of 10 million rupiahs under Young Entrepreneur Brawijaya program.
What are your plans for the future? Did the fact of winning the business plan competition change anything in your future business plans?
We have a dream to become leading waste management in Indonesia:
Market expansion, through influencer’s social media, community network and national association for potential investment.
Developing capacity of products, through development of plastics’ moulding machines and automation of IoT