Culinary products are a valuable asset for the Indonesian, because the potential for enormous natural wealth makes the culinary products sector the sexiest of today’s business. Tight competition is not only about the processing and presentation of a product but culinary business actors must also think about new innovations and creativity. Because at this time it is not only a matter of the taste produced but the form of packaging can increase the selling value. So that through different concepts, products can penetrate the Indonesian and foreign culinary markets and can compete with similar or different products.
Food which is a basic human need is now growing rapidly. These basic needs are not just heavy foods such as rice, bread, and other staple foods, but snacks or what we often refer to as snacks have now become the staples needed by people of all ages. This is evidenced by the presence of many snack products on offer ranging from multi-national and SME scales.
Lampung is an area that has the largest banana chips and banana chip producers, everyone who visits the Lampung area will definitely choose banana chips as souvenirs to bring. Things like this are a big business potential because banana chips have a lot of fans ranging from children, adolescents, and adults to even the elderly.
This banana chip business opportunity is also supported by the availability of raw materials in the form of bananas which are abundant in Indonesia, so you don’t have to worry about the supply of raw materials. The idea of developing this snack product is also useful for increasing the income of banana farmers in Indonesia, absorbing labor and reducing unemployment if it is developed on an industrial scale. Seeing the huge business potential of banana chips, I came up with the idea of making banana chips with a different shape in general with a distinctive taste and not leaving the taste of the Indonesian people called Eatme Banana Chips. The Eatme Banana Chips business was originally intended to meet market demand for its specialty banana chips outside the Lampung area. So that people who are outside Lampung do not have to go to Lampung first to get banana chips. This is supported because the Jabodetabek community in particular such as Cikarang, Karawang, Bekasi, and Jakarta as well as other cities tend to like snacks or snacks because of their practical nature and can be eaten anytime and anywhere.
Eatme Banana Chips are Indonesian banana chips made from selected Kepok bananas (Musa Paradisiaca Formatypica), wholeheartedly processed by expert hands using love to produce extraordinary flavors. The jagged cut makes the texture of the Eatme Banana Chips unique and different from other banana chips, even though the texture is jagged but still crunchy and cracks in the mouth when eaten. The sprinkles of spices that surround the Eatme Banana Chips with super delicious and contemporary taste make it a favorite snack for all circles.
Eatme Banana Chips are wrapped in attractive packaging and look modern. The packaging used is a standing pouch with the addition of a zipper lock to make it more efficient and flexible in terms of both aesthetics and functionality. Packaging is not sekeder to beautify the products contained in it, but it can make the product’s selling value increase. In addition, in terms of distributing products so that they can easily reach consumers, there are three distribution channels that are used, the first is the Distributor, the second is the Reseller, and the third is the Dropshipper.
This is how Eatme Banana Chips opens up business opportunities for these people who add extra income. For shipments of Eatme Banana Chips, collaborate with several online motorcycle taxis, while for shipments outside the region and abroad, Eatme Banana Chips use JNE, TIKI, and SICEPAT. With the conveniences provided so that banana chip connoisseurs don’t have to go far to get the banana chips they want, they only need to use a smartphone that belongs to the order to arrive at their destination. With all of these systems, Eatme Banana Chips hopes to provide satisfying service, both in terms of products, ordering, and also delivery.

This logo shows the enormous meaning contained in the company, starting from the white color found at the bottom of the Eatme Banana Chips logo which symbolizes the starting point of the company in starting a long journey with big dreams. While the black color is the outline of the basic color symbolizing the strength that surrounds the company, which means that it is always a strong commitment to look ahead. Meanwhile, the yellow color at the bottom symbolizes the creativity a company has to always innovate endlessly in producing a product.
Eatme Banana Chips is a potential venture. This is due to several reasons, including: (1.) Raw materials are easy to obtain so that sufficient availability is met. (2.) Production does not require substantial costs, is easy, and practical. (3.) Broad consumers, who like bananas that are processed into chips. This is what makes Eatme Banana Chips a very potential snack product business because it has the best quality of Kepok bananas in Indonesia and at an affordable price. And there are five other advantages such as:
1. Raw material: quality Kepok Banana
2. Using modern equipment
3. Unique serrated and soft texture
4. Varied flavors using Indonesian special spices
5. No preservatives or hazardous chemicals.
The main activities of Eatme Banana Chips are focused on finding the best quality raw materials, producing banana chips with different shapes in general, making premium spices that do not leave the image of a distinctive Indonesian taste, packing banana chips using attractive packaging so that looks unique when consumers buy it and always maintains the quality of the product so that consumers feel satisfied with what is given. Apart from that, other activities include doing the marketing properly so that the advertising campaigns that Eatme Banana Chips carry out reach the desired target market, as well as educating the market about the Eatme Banana Chips brand and expanding the distribution area of the product.
Indonesian people on average want the best quality when buying a product, therefore Eatme Banana Chips want to always provide quality products, starting from the aspect of raw materials that are maintained in quality, delicious and savory taste when eating them, and do not use any preservatives in each seasoning mix.
With the use of digital media and websites, consumers who want to get banana chips do not need to come to Lampung to get them, only by using their smartphone, they can place an order and the product arrives easily where the consumer is.
To provide the best service to consumers, and to have closeness. Therefore, Eatme Banana Chips uses online media, such as social media to make it easier to communicate with consumers, and consumers can also provide opinions about Eatme Banana Chips products through the comments column, or email listed and can interact using chat applications such as WhatsApp and online business. Then consumers can subscribe to Eatme Banana Chips through the website to get information and promotions for Eatme Banana Chips products every month.
Eatme Banana Chips focus on the target market, which is the middle class aged 15-25 years, such as students and university students, because they are quite consumptive in terms of snacks or snacks.
Eatme Banana Chips take advantage of the food bazaar event to get a Word of Mouth. Because now consumers trust more when other consumers recommend a product, because their trust is higher than the testimonials given.
Social media such as Instagram and Facebook are Eatme Banana Chips tools for advertising and explaining product information or ongoing promotions, because social media is one of the media used by Indonesians today to find information about a product or socialize with other individuals. .
The website is used to provide information to consumers about Eatme Banana Chips products and promotions that take place every month. By using the website, customers can easily find all information about Eatme Banana Chips, both about flavors, purchasing methods, and ongoing promos.
Geographically, currently Eatme Banana Chips are located in the Greater Jakarta area, especially Cikarang, Karawang, Bekasi, and Jakarta. It is a strategic area, both from an economic perspective and an increasing population. This is very profitable for Eatme Banana Chips because it covers a growing area and has a potential market. Eatme Banana Chips also sells online with the aim of disseminating Eatme Banana Chips and reaching other potential markets throughout Indonesia.
Demographically, Eatme Banana Chips consumers are:
· Age: 15-25 Years
· Gender : Men and Women
· Occupation : Students
· Income : <Rp. 2,000,000 – Rp. 5,000,000
Psychographically, Eatme Banana Chips is intended for the middle social class. That jam Eatme Banana Chips is intended for people with a practical lifestyle. Who likes snacks for consumption, because of its nature that is easy to eat anytime and anywhere.
The main target of Eatme Banana Chips is people who like to eat snacks, as friends when hanging out with family and friends, or as a booster when hunger gets in the way. By providing the best quality with its own uniqueness that is safe for consumption by students and students who are actually young people.
With the slogan “It’s flat, it’s not fun” Eatme Banana Chips offers banana chip products that are generally shaped with jagged shapes, and Eatme Banana Chips also puts Eatme Banana Chips in the minds of snack-enthusiastic consumers, that Eatme Banana Chips sells unique banana chips with variants. quality, healthy, and practical contemporary taste. With a net weight of 200 grams Eatme Banana Chips offer togetherness when consuming them. Because this moment of togetherness is very difficult to get. When consumers buy one Eatme Banana Chips, they can share the joy they feel with family, or friends and friends when they get together.