Have A Big Dream ! Mimpilah setinggi mungkin untuk mencapai impian besarmu dan buatlah itu menjadi kenyataan ! (Dream as high as you can to achieve your big dream and […]
ERIGO, FASHION BRAND WHICH ENHANCES ONLINE SELLINGPORTION BY 50% Erigo is a fashion brand that is quite famous because it is synonymous with teenagers. The majority of buyers are teenagers […]
Business Model Canvas BISMA UII
Currently I (Putri Amalia) am developing my business in the environmental field that tackles the problem of bottle plastics. Along with my team, we brainstormed how we can solve the […]
Bisnis kami adalah produk kesehatan berupa alat penakar gula pasir otomatis yang terintegrasi dengan smartphone yang bernama IDEMES. Saya Halida Ulfah CEO dari IDEMES adalah Mahasiswa Universitas Islam Indonesia JurusanTeknik […]
How did you become an entrepreneur? I (Heru Nurwahyudin) used to work in a company, but then I thought about being independent by doing my own business. Starting in 2014 […]
Global SMEs – Volume 1 Sustainable Smart Innovative Global SMEs This book is written for the students and entrepreneurs who will want to understand the role and meaning of SMEs […]
Halo Sobat Preneur Pada kesempatan ini ada informasi terkait pendanaan hibah untuk Startup lho. Bagi Sobat yang punya bisnis, boleh di cek link informasi berikut ya… UBIC (UII Business & […]