Mi Hair Studio & Beauty Bar is a business especially in the hair salon and beauty line in Indonesia. Mi Hair Studio & Beauty Bar is a hair salon that allows females to have their hair and beauty needs satisfied in one convenient visit. Mi Hair Studio & Beauty Bar implement the new concept of the salon such as the customers can have a free consultation before they do the treatment using an online platform or come directly to the studio. Mi Hair Studio & Beauty Bar has several parties to develops this business such as owner, hair product and tool suppliers, customers, and competitors.
The owner wants to emphasize that there are opportunities to open a hair and beauty salon. This is because pampering yourself in beauty salons for many women is a necessity. All women like to pamper themselves to the salon. Pampering yourself in a salon has even become a lifestyle for certain circles. Even though women can do hair care on their own, some women still want others to do it for them.
With this Mi Hair Studio & Beauty Bar is here to meet the needs of women. Mi Hair Studio & Beauty Bar provide hair care services and also personal care at the customer’s home so that customers can save time. Mi Hair Studio & Beauty Bar comes with an affordable price and located in North Jakarta.
Mi Hair Studio & Beauty Bar provide the best service for customers. Mi Hair Studio & Beauty Bar come with high-quality hair care and personal care products but at an affordable price. People who work in this salon are people who are experts in their fields. Those who are the best graduates in their fields and professionals so that the results not disappoint the customers later.
Therefore, Mi Hair Studio & Beauty Bar develop positive and proactive services that experienced by consumers every time they come to Mi Hair Studio. This salon also offers a variety of services in women’s beauty.
The customer segmentation divided into 3 segments which are beauty enthusiasts, high maintenance and busy women. In here beauty enthusiast means those people especially women who love to follow the trend of hair right now. High maintenance person itself means women who demand personal attention and customization for their hair routine. And the busy women are the women who want to have a service but don’t have time to go out, so they contact us to do the services at their place.
Mi Hair Studio & Beauty Bar is a studio that specializes in hair services, especially hair colouring but still offers other services from head until toe. Mi Hair Studio & Beauty Bar provides booking services before coming to the studio. Besides, Mi Hair Studio & Beauty Bar also provides home treatment services for women who want to do treatment but do not have enough time to go to our studio. Mi Hair Studio & Beauty Bar also open in E-commerce such as Tokopedia or Shopee so customers can pay for the services using credit card instalment.
Mi Hair Studio & Beauty Bar distribute the products and services through social media such as Facebook and Instagram to attract customers to do hair treatment in our salon. To build good customer relationships, Mi Hair Studio & Beauty Bar uses social media. Social media is a place to provide feedback and recommendations. Mi Hair Studio & Beauty Bar provides interactive services where it is a combination of self-service and personal customer services. Self-service is a service where the customers can choose what they want to do and pick their product that used. And personal customer services are customer services that provided to each customer for consultation. Our salon also provides discounts or vouchers. There is also an offer to become a member of this salon to get hair treatment at special prices. Mi Hair Studio’s revenue comes from several services performed, namely the sale of hair services, hair products, consultation and fees charged to home services. Consultation is the initial stage before conducting hair treatment, especially hair colouring, suitable or not. This consultation is free of charge. Of course, Mi Hair Studio & Beauty Bardo promotions and marketing to attract customers to do hair treatment in our studio.
This salon has hairdressers, hairstylists, and beauty therapists. The target of Mi Hair Studio & Beauty Bar is customers who pay attention to beauty, especially hair. Our concern is creating satisfaction and meeting the needs of our customers. Also, Mi Hair Studio & Beauty Bar believes that the products or services offered are of high quality and can compete with others. And Mi Hair Studio & Beauty Bar believes that our hairdresser and beauty therapist could make the customers look attractive, feel comfort, satisfied when after doing services at Mi Hair Studio & Beauty Bar. Customer satisfaction is the main goal for Mi Hair Studio & Beauty Bar. Thus, Mi Hair Studio & Beauty Bar focused with the quality of the products or services that are offered. Therefore, the products are selected by the best supplier and Mi Hair Studio & Beauty Bar are using the best brand which is suitable for any type of hair.
There are 3 processes in having services at Mi Hair Studio & Beauty Bar. First, the customer can directly come to the salon. Then, the customer can make an appointment before coming to the salon. And the last, the customer can make payment first in e-commerce then tell the reception at Mi Hair Studio & Beauty Bar. Mi Hair Studio & Beauty Bar active in social media such as Instagram and Facebook so customers can see our salon information. The promotion that Mi Hair Studio & Beauty Bar provide such as buddy discount, weekday discount (happy hour), weekend discount. As our promotional tools, there’s a reward for our loyal customers such as a discount voucher, free hair product (travel size), and free hair services (hair spa). Mi Hair Studio & Beauty Bar offer the promotion through brochures, messages, or post on our social media.
People have a big role and could the main key for the business. Therefore, an organization or a business needs to have a good standard and a clear job description in every role of the employee’s position. To support that, Mi Hair Studio & Beauty Bar hire employees who have skills and abilities that are related to the company’s needs. Mi Hair Studio & Beauty Bar have 10-15 people as employees. They divided into 2 teams such as the operational team and administration team. Hairdressers, hairstylists, beauty therapists included in the operational team. Besides that, customer services and accounting included in the administration team.